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Tonie Tips

The one thing you need to know before you buy a toniebox!

Tonies are hand painted, which means the paint can come off and mark your box.

So to protect your toniebox from looking like your kids went at it with some crayons. I reccomend you get yourself a tonie topper.

There are official ones you can get from tonies direct or you can buy clear tonie topper which is super cheap and wont change the look of your box.

If you want to get your hands on a topper - contact me on the "tonies Australia and NZ" facebook group page and I can hook you up for less than $10!

Below is a picture of the top of my toniebox after just 1 week without a topper 🥺



These are some of the Official Tonie Toppers you can buy and in the middle is a picture of a clear topper.
As you can see a clear topper is fully transparent so wont change the look of the box while giving it full protection from your tonies.

download (2)



My Toniebox has paint marks all over it! How do I get it off?

If you are just like me and no one warned you to get a tonie topper before you got your box and now its all marked up like mine. Don't fear this is what you need to do.  I'm sure you've heard of Magic Eraser and if your a mum with a toddler you probably have some lying around somewhere. Well this is what you need. Gently rub some magic eraser over the marks and just like magic they will disappear. Let it dry completely before applying a tonie topper.

I definitely recommend buying a topper and then cleaning up the box when you are ready to put the topper on. Otherwise if you clean up your box while waiting for a topper to arrive you may need to clean it  again.



My Favourite Tonie

I cant just pick 1!!! lol But 1 will narrow it down to 2 for you.

My favourite tonie for my daughter is the counting Fox. I love this tonie because not only is he just a fun music tonie that any kid could bop along to, he has such great educational value. He has approximately 24 tracks with 44mins of nursery rhymes all with some kind of number reference to them. But the best part is that he has 6 tracks of the exact same song but sung in 6 different languages.  Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, Arabic & Tagalog.



My Personal Favourite Tonie is the Sheep Night Light. I love this tonie because the tracks are just so peaceful that I think literally anyone no matter how stressed you were would feel better.  It reminds me of my favourite day spa which mean I could play it all day if my daughter let me. Occasionally during her naps once she is asleep Ill take the toniebox out to my desk so I can listen to it while I'm working. 😆 Should probably buy myself my own box and sheepy night light... Do you think I can claim it as a tax deduction if I use it while I'm working??? hehehe

Sleepy Friends - Night Light (2)

Skipping Tracks

I really don't have the qualifications to be able to answer this questions 🙈 I'm still learning myself. According to tonies you just tap the box on either the left or right side depending on how you set it up in your app. However trying to find that sweet spot where you tap it seems far beyond my capabilities and I find myself whacking it in frustration sometimes.

However my very gentle one year old seems to be able to make the tracks change with ease tapping it ever so lightly on the side. Unfortunately she doesn't speak in sentences or fully understand me when I ask her how she does that. So I guess Ill update you when she is able to talk in full sentences in 3 years time.

Uploading Spotify Content onto your Creative tonies

If you use spotify and would like to download the content from there to upload on your tonies try Spotify down. All you need to do is copy the Spotify link and paste it into Spotify Down and it will convert the audio file into mp3 which you can then add to your tonies.

As a bonus if you have a Spotify premium account they have a great collection of stories for children

Tonie Tips - The Unofficial Fan Page!